Did You Know? A Day in the Life of a Puppy Raiser
Recruiting volunteers to raise our puppies is crucial to bringing our mission to life. We breed our pups right on our campus where they receive all of their vet care, and later, expert training. But that in-between time where they’re learning the basics—we rely on puppy raisers to give them the positive experiences they need for future success.
Who are these special volunteers who care for our dogs? What does puppy raising actually entail? And maybe the most important question: could puppy raising be right for you?
Who can raise a puppy?
Puppy raisers are not dog experts or dog instructors, and they don’t have to be a dog owner. They’re retirees and working professionals, college students and high school teachers, stay-at-home soccer moms and busy executives. Each day is different, depending on who you are and how you live.
But puppy raisers have a lot in common, and it all revolves around raising a puppy wearing a very special vest that says, “Dogs Inc puppy-in-training.” Before we dive into a day in the life of a puppy raiser, let’s talk about how we set up both our raisers and puppies for success.
Prepped for success
Our puppy raisers receive training and support before they take their first puppy home. They’ve attended puppy raiser meetings to learn the ropes. They’ve read our Puppy Raiser Manual, a comprehensive guide to special rules and protocols. And they’ve agreed to comply with the rules, knowing that the rewards are great for a pup that gains confidence in its socialization and behavior skills.
Puppies quickly learn whatever they’re taught—and because dogs are often food motivated, raisers use treats for positive reinforcement. Plus, anyone who has ever experienced a dog begging for food knows that it only takes one time to teach a bad habit, so puppy raisers are keen on developing and keeping good habits in these pups.
The ultimate goal? A potty trained, well behaved dog with good leash manners ready to come back to our campus to start learning with our expert instructors. And one day, that pup will be matched with their forever person, giving them independence, renewed confidence, and hope.
What does a puppy raiser actually do?
So, what does a day in the life of a puppy raiser look like? We spoke with two-time puppy raiser Caellan Curtis about her puppy-raising days, and she shared many insights.
“It’s almost like having a child,” she says. “You take the puppy with you everywhere, and wherever you go, so you have to give yourself about 15 extra minutes. You never leave the puppy alone in the crate for more than a short time. If you do need a puppy sitter, you ask someone who has been approved by Dogs Inc—someone who knows the rules and cues.”
Each day before leaving the house for an extended period, puppy raisers pack the equivalent of a mom’s diaper bag. Heading to work each day, Caellan packed the puppy’s vest, treats, clean-up bags, water and a water bowl, toys (depending on the age of the puppy), and if she was going to be out past dinner time, the puppy’s food. Raisers have to plan their day to allow for plenty of outside breaks for puppies to expend their energy and do their business.
A pup-tastic education
Raisers also spend each day practicing cues and obedience, focusing on learning a new skill and reinforcing cues they already know. Puppies have a lot to learn. They figure out how to wait, how to sleep in a crate, to chew on their favorite toy instead of shoes or the furniture, how to play without hurting people, and everything they need for successful potty training. Raisers also teach puppies what not to do—things like barking at people or other dogs, eating out of the trash, or sprinting out of an open door.
For the puppy raisers who happen to live near a local puppy raiser club, they are welcome to gather for meetings and excursions. Here, they connect with other raisers, and puppies have another opportunity to gain new exposures and skills. Also, puppies and raisers are invited to travel in groups to expose the pups to other dogs and to situations that their future guardians might experience, such as riding a bus, traveling on elevators, visiting farm animals, or going on a boat ride. It’s a fun adventure for all involved!
Sharing our mission
Our puppies “earn” their vests by demonstrating good behavior in social situations and wear their vests while out in public. Puppies-in-training have the same access rights as service dogs, so when raisers visit the grocery store or go to a restaurant, puppies come along to practice good behavior. Because puppies are so cute and rather unexpected in public places, raisers might spend time answering people’s questions.
“Not only are you raising the puppy, you’re being an ambassador for the organization,” says Caellan. “Everyone stops and asks you about your adorable pup, so sharing the mission and the story of Dogs Inc is something raisers might do often.”
Love, guaranteed
Whatever a puppy raiser’s day looks like, they’re teaching the pup how to bond with a human, and their efforts will make a huge impact. Plus, with a fun, furry friend in the house, their days are sure to include the most important things: lots of puppy hugs, tail wags, and smiles!
Learn more about Dogs Inc
Want to learn more about our mission—or even tour our campus? Discover how our guide dogs, service dogs, and skilled companion dogs bring hope to those facing significant challenges.
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