Command Central: Guide Dog Commands
Ever wonder about the specific guide dog commands our superheroes master on their journeys to graduation? Now you’ll know.
Summer is here! As the temperatures rise, it is important to monitor your dog’s health and behavior for signs of heat stroke.
Learn the top 12 tips of proper guide dog etiquette to ensure the safety and independence of individuals with visual impairments.
Have you ever wondered how to become a guide dog trainer? That’s a frequently asked question here at Dogs Inc.
Hundreds of plants can be toxic to dogs, so it is important to educate yourself on the type of plants in your environment.
Ever wonder about the specific guide dog commands our superheroes master on their journeys to graduation? Now you’ll know.
“Come,” “sit,” and “stay,” might not surprise you, but did you know that we teach 13 puppy commands before they come back to campus for formal training?